Monday, May 18, 2020

Mandatory Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients Essay

The process of drug testing individuals who are applying or receiving welfare benefits has recently become the focus of a widely spread controversy. Florida, the first state to pass the law, now requires all individuals applying for public assistance to undergo drug testing. The state of Kentucky, among others, have considered following this trend. State lawmakers hope to prevent the squandering of taxpayer dollars on drugs by proposing similar guidelines. Alabama’s states representative Kerry Rich clearly affirmed his state’s position on the matter, â€Å"I don’t think the taxpayers should have to help fund somebody’s drug habit† (qtd. in Time). A decision to implement mandatory drug testing may be an imperative step for preventing welfare†¦show more content†¦Many question this policy. Worrying, the majority of people who are applying for state benefits may not have the ability to cover the upfront expense. Therefore, needy families would go without food. While there are many benefits to passing this law, we must consider the other possible problems and solutions as well. Selling food stamps for drugs is not the sole issue at hand. Welfare abuse comes in many forms. Until recent changes in identification verification practices by physicians and medical centers, Medicaid fraud was also an ongoing issue. People without medical coverage would often borrow the medical card of a friend or family member, and then go to a doctor or dentist. In other words, it was not diligent auditors or highly mandated policies that reduced Medicaid fraud. In fact, the meticulous works of insurance companies are responsible. Today, physician offices place a patient’s photograph in the chart. Verifying the patient’s identity helps certify insurance claims are filed on behalf of the actual member. As a result, the state’s Medicaid program benefited from this much-needed change. The more widely recognized form of welfare abuse, practiced for decades, occurs when people sell food stamps for cash. In the eighties food stamps were in the form of coupons and assigned a monetary value. It wasShow MoreRelatedMandatory Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients1526 Words   |  7 PagesBreez Arann Ms. Holiday English 12 11/04/15 Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When the United States’ welfare program was created during the Great Depression, it was meant to temporarily relieve the burdens of the one-fourth of American families who were unemployed, and struggling financially. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Social Security Act in 1935, then amended it in 1939 to create programs to assist families with unemployment compensation, and to create government agenciesRead MoreMandatory Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients1613 Words   |  7 Pagestime-welfare reform. New screening processes, often considered a direct violation of constitutional rights, have already been enacted in many states. Strong evidence exists, asserting that the practice of administering drug testing to welfare recipients will cost the U.S. taxpayers more money in the long run, stigmatize applicants and participants, and serve only the purpose of making the pharmaceutical companies more powerful. In order to protect the constitutional rights of potential we lfare recipientsRead MoreMandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients and Public Assistance2064 Words   |  9 Pagestime again. The main topic of tax money is the use of assistance money and are the recipients really using the money for the right reasons. There are many problems with the assistance program but the one that comes to mind the most is that many people abuse the money given to buy the essentials and provide, for their family for illegal drugs. The solution that many state representatives have come up with is drug testing as a requirement for assistance. This will eliminate the abuse of the assistanceRead MoreMandatory Drug Testing Should Be Banned1365 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Mandatory drug testing has been and ongoing controversial issue over the most recent years. Mandatory drug testing has been subjected to students, athletes, and employees all over the country. However a lot of speculation has been made whether or not welfare recipients in particular should be subjected to mandatory drug testing. According to Besonen, programs such as welfare were created in the 1930s to temporarily aid struggling Americans to help get them back up on their feet. (BesonenRead MoreDrug Testing : A Controversial Issue Right Now1439 Words   |  6 PagesRUNNING HEAD: Mandatorily Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Does More Harm Than Good Mandatorily Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Does More Harm Than Good Clare M. 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People have been looking for a way to cut the costs of welfare for many years. And then Welfare drug testing was proposed. At initial thought it seemed like a grand idea and a great way to cut costs and to eliminate all the drug users in the system, and because of that welfare drug testing has been put into action in 13 states. But, welfare drug testing is completely ineffective. Welfare drug testing

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